Casual Commander Saturday

by Gauntlet Hobbies - Angola

Every Saturday starting at 3pm until close we will be hosting a casual 

Commander day! This is not an event, but rather a gathering

place to play with your friends, and new faces in our community!

It gives you a chance to see how other decks work, and to 

give you ideas on how to improve your game play. We encourage growth of 

skill within our community, so it is encouraged to give tips, and possible 

deck ideas with each other. Talking about deck “power level” is also 

encouraged as this is a growing and learning environment. This event

cost zero dollars to play, and we encourage trading cards so bring your 

binders! Store trade-ins will be bumped during this event to help you make 

the best decks possible within your budget! This isn’t an actual 

tournament, so you can come and go as you please and play as much or as 

little as you desire! Commander has become very popular over the last 

couple of years, and we are here for it!                  

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